Less is More Perhaps
More releases or fewer... I can never decide. Certainly keep them coming, but how often? This is a thinking-aloud piece if you haven't figured that out. Some people are constantly creating (I being one of them) and enjoy doing quick improvisations or creating on the fly. However, not every piece I create gets posted or published or monetized. Then there are other artists I know that release something every time I turn around. Some of them release amazing things routinely, but with others I do hear a lack of quality. I’m certainly not arguing that one way is right or wrong. Frequent releases work well for some genres and very talented improvisational players. For others it may not be the best method. I'm going to hit the pros and cons of releasing multiple works and I heartily encourage comments and discussion. Pro: Publishing pieces as you make them keeps the world abreast of your latest endeavors. Your fans hear what was just in your head. This makes for an intimate...