What's it worth to you?

Going to ask a very simple question:  What is music worth to you?  It's just music right?  It's not directly fighting for your country or feeding and clothing your family.  It's entertainment and it's abundant, right?  So let me ask it again...

Do you sing along in the car?  Do you get misty-eyed when a patriotic song is played at a ball game?  Do you feel the need to raise your hands and close your eyes during worship?  Do you swear by your workout mix?  Does a great dance track get your blood pumping?  Have you ever wandered over to the bandstand because you liked what you heard?  Does the right song on the radio make your morning drive?  Does the Star Wars theme make you grin like the goofy nerd you are?  Do you recognize a movie in the other room by the sound track?  How about a show by the song in the opening credits?  Do you keep headphones at work just to listen to music while you crunch numbers?  Do you get excited over a new album by your favorite band?  Have you ever worn out a CD?  Do you and your significant other have a "special song?"  What song did you dance to at your wedding?  Do you go the club just to dance?  Did your mother sing you to sleep?  Have you ever gotten goose bumps during the drum cadence as a marching band takes the field?  Do fireworks lose their punch without Sousa playing?  Did you revel in playing music your parents hated?  Did you ever crank up the stereo in your car with your friends and sing really really really loud because it's the best song ever and darn it the rest of the people at the stop light need to hear it too?  By the way, how's your stereo system in your car?  Your home?  Did you spend money on fantastic headphones?  Why the heck did you spend so much money for it to sound good?  It's just music right?

Someone wrote that.  Someone played that.  Someone recorded that.  Someone poured over the lyrics to get it right.  Someone mastered that track.  Someone produced that record.  Someone set up those microphones.  Someone practiced that guitar countless times.  Someone played until their fingers hurt.  Someone sweated on stage.  Someone lost their voice singing for hours.  Someone worked their butt off so you could have those songs, those moments, those memories, those tears, that heart swell.

Thank you.   That is all.


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